Musical Performance

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My Musical Background

My musical journey began as a child, where I started playing my mums childhood keyboard. YouTube tutorials were the core of my musical education, initally being one pop song at a time, and slowly adding a bit of theory. Then a friend from church taught me to read sheet music, and I began playing one hymn a week in one of our church services.


My Primary instruments are:

  • Piano
  • Trombone
  • Guitar

I started learning the piano when I was young, and over years I learned to reach sheet music, and scaled up the kind of pieces I was able to play. I learnt guitar and the basics of a few other insturments in high school for fun, and to expand my musical knowlegde. I quickly found myself being asked to help others with performances and rehearsals, due to my natural musical ability and my versatility.

In my later high school years I participated in a brief brass band project where I learned the basics of playing the trombone. This led to me doing regular trombone lessons throughout my college years, where I played a variety of jazz and classical pieces, both solo for my grade practice, and in the college ensembles.

I now play annually in my church brass band, and play piano / organ on a regular basis. I've also developed an interest in singing since high school and now sing tenor in my church choir.

Technical Experience

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My Technical Background

I started working in technical theatre in high school. I was asked to manage tech for a school talent showcase, and after getting a basic sound setup done I went to work on the lights, my first time using a console. After some initial instruction by an older student, I felt confident and ready to go. After that, I found my self managing more advanced sound setups and doing more and more lighting work in shows.

Example Shows I've done

  • Jack and the Beanstalk - Lighting Operator
  • GCSE Drama Showcase - Lighitng Operator
  • Misc showcases - Sound Technician

I was invovled with a wide range of showcases during high school, where I was heavily invovled in just about everything involving tech and setup. I would setup lighting and the sound system, set up radio mics and stage mics. Being one of the few students interested in music technology at the time, I was able to set up a lot of the equipment to make the most of the limited equipment and gear available.